
This work was funded by USDA NIFA Award # 2021-68012-35914.


Nicolas, F., Kamai, T., Gal, A. B., Ochoa-Brito, J., Daccache, A., Ogunmokun, F., & Kisekka, I. (2023). Assessing salinity impacts on crop yield and economic returns in the Central Valley. Agricultural Water Management, 287, 108463.[ Download Paper ]

Shani, U., Ben-Gal, A., Tripler E. and Dudley, L.M. (2007) Plant response to the soil environment: an analytical model integrating yield, water, soil type and salinity. Water Resources Res. 43, W08418. [ Link ]

Kaner A, Hadas E, Tripler E, Ben-Gal. A. (2019) Agronomic-economic coupled decision support application for irrigation with water containing salts. In: O. Wendroth, R.J. Lascano, L. Ma, editors, Bridging Among Disciplines by Synthesizing Soil and Plant Processes, Adv. Agric. Syst. Model. 8. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. [ Link ]

Analytical Salt-Water (ANSWER) App: [ Link ]

Contact Information:

For questions contact:

Dr. Isaya Kisekka

University of California Davis
